American Classics by:Russell Simmons

For over 15 years, I have been committed to the fashion industry, combining urban aesthetics with the classic Ivy League heritage of American design and style. After having great fun with Phat Fashions, seeing it grow from a small New York City showroom to a globally recognized lifestyle brand, I now embark on a new journey to dress America.- Russell Simmons

American Classics is a affordable fashion brand, available at WalMart. This collection includes a variety of men’s fashion for every occasion.

We aim to give every man the opportunity to dress for success, look and feel his best, the prices are affordable his pockets never stressed!

Be sure to become a fan and view more pics on the American Classics Facebook Fan Page!American Classics By Russell Simmons this is how we co-or-dinate!

Stylish and Affordable available @ a Wal Mart near you! American Classics By Russell Simmons!

Diggy, Young, and Team Blackout, Old School’s New!

For all yall wondering, “dang how dey do dat dere”! Sit back, relax, and follow these instructions.

We are about to enter in theNew World of Old School Hip Hop!”

This is How we do it!!!

If you ain't heard it by now! You betta ketchup cause you way behind!

My personal favorite is Hustle Simmons… Diggy’s flow is sick with it “on the hustle and bustle like my Uncle Russell“and the background’s “My Hustle, So Russell” is the icing on the cake.

Houston, We Got a Problem! No we not talking about Nasa! Diggy’s flow on this track will definitely take you to the Moon. When I first heard it it took me to another galaxy and I ain’t came down yetCristina Arra Hamilton

Well  Cristina you won’t be gone for long cause Diggy’s says “I’m coming to get you there won’t be no issues“… In another one of the SLAMMING tracks! Who said Diggy has a Point to Prove.

Zach (left) Jo Jo (middle) Reg (right) Team Blackout!

The Simmons Family is just filled with Talent, Team Blackout! Did somebody turn the lights on! Well check it about to be a Blackout! I know you remember the J-5 from Run’s House. Well check it, if you ever doubted Young Simmons, you might wanna rethink that cause “everybody who ever doubted him is asking for forgiveness“!

Check it get a sample of everybody’s flow on the  Billion Dollar Boyfriend track… if your game ain’t on point, You might not want your girls to listen to this one fellas.

Hova, Kanye, Lil Wayne and TI, said “no one on the corner has swagger like them”. I think they’ll change their minds when they hear Team Blackout’s Swagger!

Don’t take my word for it! I’m just the messenger! Oh yea I through in a lil surprise for yall. Peter Piper picks peppers, but they rock rhymes.

Yo they Needs no introduction!!!

To listen to a sample of Daniel Diggy Simmons, Young Simmons and Team Blackout CLICK HERE!

More from FloridaBoyee CLICK HERE!

Simmons Fashions and then Sum… Kris FloridaBoy Hamilton

The Affordable urban look. Who says just because you work in the office you can’t afford to look and feel like a celebrity! Russell Simmons has an abundance of Fashion Collections, Styles and accessories that are just right for you! As Uncle Rush would say “Do You“! No Homo! Just Promo!

The Simmons Brand!

Here is where you can find information on the following Russell Simmons Fashion and Accessory Brands included in this Blog, please click the following links: Russell Simmons’ Argyle Culture Collection, Russell Simmons’ American Classics, Simmons Jewelry, don’t believe the hype people! Hip hop is more music, it’s a Culture!

Follow Me on Twitter, Blogger, Facebook, and myspace

The First Flight, Daniel Diggy Simmons

Yea this is the Classic Introduction, “only fo-teen with a load of dreams“, my homey Diggy Simmons is making a name for himself. You may remember the young “Diggy” from Run’s House… However Diggy’s new The First Flight mixtape, Brought to you by Dj Spin King, & DatPiff, shows Daniel “Diggy” Simmons is a young man about bizness!!!

Check it from the first song to the last track Diggy’s rocking the mic like a veteran! It’s not just for the kids. Yo even,my Mom is a huge fan. This is an interview with Emilio Sparks. Diggy’s on the rise don’t sleep! I must admit I am fan no homo, but my Homey rocks the mic and you got to give props where they are do. Hats of to Diggy.

My personal favorite is Hustle Simmons… Diggy’s flow is sick with it “on the hustle and bustle like my Uncle Russell“and the background’s “My Hustle, So Russell” is the icing on the cake.

However don’t take my word click the link and enter the Hustle of

Daniel Diggy Simmons

To listen to the Mix Tape click First Flight Mixtape!

Follow Diggy on Twitter

Diggy’s Blogspot

I'm FloridaBoy and I'm out!

The Murder of Emmett Till 1955 By Kris FloridaBoy Hamilton

Black Male Teachers: After the murder of Emmett Till in 1955, what have we learned? Teach!

Kristopher Hamilton
Kristopher Hamilton: The US goes by a don’t ask don’t tell policy in everything it does. And as long as we don’t ask any questions. They will do their best to erase our history while keeping their dirty hands clean. This is why I don’t understand why the “average” people of the United States won’t “buy into” the FACT that “secret societies” do exist. And cases such as … the Emmett Till case is proof. There are (government) organizations who’s job it is to ensure they keep us distracted while covering up crimes they commit against us.
Black Male Teachers

Black Male Teachers: Who are average people?
Kristopher Hamilton

Kristopher Hamilton:The people you see everyday, the people watching the same news broadcasting, reading the same books and articles listening to the same preachers, leaders, teachers, bosses etc. However they receive a different message.They have been teaching the same things over and over these (lynching) events keep repeating themselves. Until now.
Jennie Lopes

Jennie Lopes : Kristopher, do you live in the United States?

just wndering…for my own information?
Victoria A. Patton

Victoria A. Patton: I remember that story from some time ago. Imagine, killing a young person like that…………….brutalizing him, first and then throwing him into the river, in Mississippi. Well…………..Mississippi was known for many Germans, some prejudice and others not, I am sure. My father’s mother was black and his father was German; well……the … See Germans in Natchez, quickly ran her out of town and my father was raised by his German grandmother. Yes, Mississippi, was a “bad” place to whistle at anyone white.

And imagine how many black women were beaten, raped, hit upside the head, degraded, etc., etc., etc. during slavery and beyond. Pleassssssseeeee…..some racist carry their ideology to the depths of “_ _ _ _.” (I can’t put that word online.)
Kristopher Hamilton

Kristopher Hamilton: @Jennie why, do you plan on having some one come look for me because I speak truth?

Ian KavanaughIan Kavanaugh: We have learned that hatred, as all other things have proven to do, evolves over time. It doesn’t go away, it shows it self in more sophisticated and undercover ways. Today police officers and civil service workers have taken the role of overtly violent racists. Improvements have been made and this country is far more dormant than it was 55

What are you gonna do when Sheriff John Brown comes for you? By Kris Floridaboy Hamilton

One of the mentoring groups I am apart of on facebook asked a very interesting question regarding John Brown and the American Civil War. Now as many of you may know I am homeschooled.  I told my mom they really don’t teach much about John Brown in public school aside from what many of the people who responded to this thread said. I find it interesting after comparing the answers receive by those who were taught the text book theories versus the truth. Sad thing is the truth is written in the text books however public school teachers teach around it.

Black Male Teachers

Black Male Teachers: How were John Brown’s actions significant to the Civil War?

Trab Hardy

Trab Hardy: Good question, may I receive the answer to that,
Black Male Teachers

Black Male Teachers: @Hardy: I normally wait 24-36 hours before I reveal my answer. Meanwhile, others post excellent answers. I enjoy reading them. Why don’t you do a little bit of online research, and share your findings.
Black Male Teachers

Black Male Teachers: I see yaw out there peepin’ Don’t peep … teach!
Kristopher Hamilton

Kristopher Hamilton:Actually I am waiting and peeping… Bad Boys Bad Boys what you’re gonna do? We are talking about the same John Brown here? LOL
Black Male Teachers

Black Male Teachers: @Hamilton: I don’t think so.
Kristopher Hamilton

Kristopher Hamilton: Then I will wait. My answer may be abstract and outside of the Box…They don’t teach about John Brown in American History. No never mind.

John Brown was an abolitionist who because of his financial status, (he was broke and couldn’t make money like the Southerners who were getting rich from slavery) so he decided to use violence as a way to … See Moreintimidate Southerners in to ending slavery. He was actually trying to “get rich” quick. His schemes kept back firing though he pretended to be a man against slavery. And in my opinion once his followers realized how “not smart” he was after being hanged. It sparked the attention of others (from the north and the south) and the result was “revolt!!!”
Cristina Arra Hamilton

Cristina Arra Hamilton: John Brown says kill them before the can plant their seeds. Seeds of reproduction, seeds of positive influence, seeds of change!!! And once the people who were fooled into thinking he was actually in favor of blacks and not trying to profit from their freedom realized he was a fake. They said this is crazy we got to be free!!!

Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery non but ourselves can free our minds. Wow!!!
Black Male Teachers

Black Male Teachers: Great answers, but exactly what is the significance?
Kristopher Hamilton

Kristopher Hamilton: The significance of his actions showed and proved that once people realize they’ve been manipulated the end result is war. Especially when people have been enslaved and controlled by people who weren’t are smart as they wanted their followers to believe, they used manipulation to instill fear. However his actions showed that violence can bring about change when the oppressed decides to come together.
Black Male Teachers

Black Male Teachers: Absolutely interesting …
Victoria A. Patton

Victoria A. Patton: Was he the first abolitionist to try and seize an arsenol from Harpers Ferry, VA, in 1859 in an attempt to successfully began a revolt by the Black’s then? (He wanted the Black’s to be armed.) Also, Hayward Shepherd was the first Black casualty of this raid; I believe he was not in the revolt. He was taken by surprise by J. Brown’s men. I believe John Brown’s attempts, then, sparked the beginning of the Civil War. He was hung, in the end.
Black Male Teachers

Black Male Teachers: Outstanding! Brown’s (a White abolitionist) raid on Harpers Ferry and subsequent hanging was among a variety of incidents leading up to the Civil War. The incident symbolized just how inevitable the war was. The was was fought over political and economic issues.
Kristopher Hamilton

Kristopher Hamilton: That’s funny because that’s exactly what the text books say that’s not the truth! He was no Abolitionist he was just using that as a get rich quick scheme same the Governor of Alabama who died apologizing for once doing what’s right but because he wanted the votes of the majority in order to become mayor he switched out.

John Brown was hung to show those who were thinking about trying to intimidate slave owners they would be next. But as wikipedia say’s John Brown’s schemes keep back firing on him what does say. He was unorganized and the result of his piss poor planning was the Civil War!!!
Jimmye L. James Jr.

Jimmye L. James Jr.:The significance of JB’s actions forced the North to see the horrors of slavery, thus bringing on the Civil War.
Black Male Teachers

Black Male Teachers: @Hamilton: It’s nice to see such a young black man spending time investigating “our”story instead of playing video games, watching TV, being on MySpace or doing whatever youngsters do these days.

I want to assure you and all our fans here on Black Male Teachers that the knowledge presented to you by BMTs is not merely “book knowledge.” It comes from years of learning from a variety of sources including both Black and White authors or authorities. I have reviewed Wiki’s information, yet it is but an encyclopedia and far from a leading authority on history, “our”story, John Brown or the Civil War.To all our BMTs fans, I’d suggest reading John Hope Franklin’s From Slavery to Freedom. The late Franklin was an African-American historian, and his books contains a wealth of knowledge about history and “our”story told from a Black perspective! Look up DR. RUNOKO RASHIDI at or here on Facebook. Dr. Rashidi is also an African-American historian who possesses a wealth of knowledge of both “our”story as well as world history

Now … let’s get ta working on the current question: How did the slaves become free?

Kristopher Hamilton

Kristopher Hamilton:@BMT I do all of those things youngsters do, it’s just I am always looking for ways to obtain more knowledge. So when I am not on the video games or watching TV. I am blogging, reading, learning and sharing. It’s all about time management.

Black Male Teachers

Black Male Teachers: @Hamilton: Great!
Black Male Teachers

Black Male Teachers: @Hamilton: Check it out!: Dr. Franklin:

Kristopher Hamilton

Tupac: Thug Angel By Kris FloridaBoy Hamilton and Cristina Hamilton

I Shall Not Fear No Man But God
Worth a thousand words but never 1 life!

Pictures Say it All

If you have been reading my mom’s blogs and “keeping up” with some of the things she has been going through these past few years. Your first thought might have been “she’s crazy” or “she needs counseling“. If you are a reader and you are under 25 your initial thought after reading one of her blogs might have been; “there is no way this is possible, she’s making this up, seeking attention“. I am sure I would have thought the same had I not been taught my true history and the struggle of our people. I want to share with you snippets from a documentary on Tupac Shakur’s life. My mom and I watched it together last night and of course she had write a blog about it and I had somethings to contribute. Cause yall my people and we in this together believe it or not. Before you watch the first part of the video I want to share with you a question my mom asked regarding the documentary and then I will share with you our responses.

My mom posted this question on her facebook fanpage:
Cristina Arra HamiltonArra Da Flygurl: Does anybody know why C. Delores Tucker spoke out against Tupac? This is so easy!!!

Kristopher HamiltonKristopher Hamilton: If I answer this will it count toward my school assignments!! Because it is Saturday!!!

Kristopher HamiltonKristopher Hamilton: Could it be that because the “Powers that Be” uses games and manipulation to try to control. They feared that Tupac with his militant and “thuglife” attitude would make positive changes in the lives of African American men. Those same men “powers that be” believes should be caged in prisons like Mutulu Shakur, Tupac’s stepfather who was ripped away… from his home as so many of the black fathers who aren’t on drugs or killing their own are. After the “powers that be” distracted his mother, Afeni Shakur ex Black Panther and revlutionary,with their “illegal” drugs and he became Tupac the rapper the prophet the man who had the power to change a nation of African American men with his lyrics and his profound perspective. The powers that be had to find a person a black woman to possibly “control” Tupac. However they had to make it public for the world to see. C. Delores Tucker was an “Activists” however she was on their side.

Cristina Arra HamiltonArra Da Flygurl: Wow I couldn’t have said it better. I remember you asking me if there were any other black leaders besides the ones you learned about in school. Do you think you have answered your own question?

Did you notice how the young Tupac told you his mother taught him three things; respect, to search for knowledge “it’s an eternal journey, lastly she taught him “if there is something on your mind speak“. How many of yall teach your children that? Those are the keys to life and trust its people out there that don’t want us to know it. Knowing that Tupac knew all of thoses things and he had the ability to express it through his music, the forces, “Powers that Be”, the “Elite” were definitely going to make sure that got to him one way or the other.
Let’s fast forward a bit in this video notice how Tupac is transforming though the desire to give to and share with his people in his community is embedded in him. You can also see how the forces of evil were also trying to influence the world perspective of a “thug“. However Tupac was the Leader!!!
He was our General and we were His soldiers
Yall think “the elite” want to hear another black man say that about a black “thug”?

I encourage you to watch the documentary in it’s entirety and I hope that you too will see how they played the game, infiltrated and ended the life of Tupac Shakur, the rapper, the prophet another leader before his time. Or was it before our time. Ask yourselves were we ready for Tupac?

The “Spiritual” Political Views of a Little Brother By Kris FloridaBoy Hamilton

I was asked a question on facebook by a friend/mentor. I wanted to share with my responses with you. What are your spiritual political views? We have got to stand for something people!!!

Darrius Unity Dickerson Now I have to ask about your “Spiritual” Political Views Little Brother.

Kristopher Hamilton

Kristopher Hamilton: I believe in God… However I don’t claim a denomination of Christianity. My mom is starting to teach me about the Religions of our world. So I am slowly but surely taking it all in so that I can make a very intelligent choice. I know that I don’t agree with in God we trust. America is confusing it’s people on who God really is.

Darrius Unity Dickerson

Darrius Unity Dickerson: I agree with you in the respect that America knows about as much about God as we do WTC 7. My question is, why are your Political Views labled Spiritual? I was wondering if there is any particular reason. It would make more sense to me if it were your Religious Views. Perhaps you know something that I do not.

Kristopher Hamilton

Kristopher Hamilton: Well Spiritual means I don’t claim Christianity because it’s confusing (no leadership that I can trust and know that they have my best interest in mind). My Mom says we should allow the Spirit of God to lead us. I am God and there fore am led by His spirit in me. Hence, the Label Spiritual. Following the Spirit of God, the true leader!!!

Darrius Unity Dickerson

Darrius Unity Dickerson: I understand Spiritual Son. My question is, what does that have to do with the price of tea in China; the Brooklyn bridge; or your Political Views?

Kristopher Hamilton

Kristopher Hamilton: Good question can I do some research and get back to you on this? I didn’t know social networks were suppose to make me think so much, LOL.

Cristina Arra Hamilton

Cristina Arra Hamilton: I understand what you are asking Kris @Darius. But I have a question. The question is this, I think about the Earth Quakes in Haiti and their timing. I only makes me wonder why are there separate countries, continents, and nations? Who is responsible for the dividing of the land? It was originally “one nation under God”. One land until the “melting of the Ice” that supposedly caused the land to divide creating other nations and countries. Who is responsible for that? Is it those same people who are responsible for “climate, alcohol beverage and population control” to name a few?

Cristina Arra Hamilton

Cristina Arra Hamilton: Ok now work, @ Kristopher… Share!!!

Who R the True Terrorists? By FloridaBoy and Cristina Arra Hamilton

America we are so distracted with the silly games and manipulated by the delusions the true terrorists create every single day. I am sure you all know by now the issues I and my mom have faced at the hands of  “American” red blooded “terrorists”. I want to play a game with you. Please read this thread in response to an article Russell Simmons posted on facebook via Global Grind:The World According to Hip Hop. Now when you see a terrorist in this thread please point him out. He is real easy to find. He is calling me and my mom out (LOL)! All I have to say now is…. Told ya so!

Russell Simmons Russell Simmons Did Bin Laden Do It?
Did Bin Laden Do It? | News & Politricks News | Global Grind

Mims Yaa Hans

Mims Yaa Hans: Mayb….but it was e guy hu carried e bomb….

Tee Michelle

Tee Michelle: He’s claiming responsibilty & patting that young terrorist attemptER on the back!!

Kristopher Hamilton

Kristopher Hamilton: Man please this is a attack @ President Obama they want to convince they Nation he is a Terrorist so they recruit a Kid from Africa plant a bomb on him. Then blame Bin Laden… Yea the dumb Americans will fall for that… Thats what they really think of you as a Nation!!! You will fall for ANY of their schemes!!! Start skipping GYM class ppl and go to the Library instead!!! Please?

Lazaro Fuentes

Lazaro Fuentes: He is falling into a US trap. The US has started a black ops campaign to talk up the Yemen Al-Qaeda guys as the ‘most pwerful’ terrorists and playing on Bin Laden’s ego. Funny thing is that he always falls for it. Same thing happed with that guy that was the big shot in Iraq. they talked him up and Bin Laden came out of the cave to make sure he remained relevant. Let’s hope that this time when he pops his head out they catch him.

Shakera Graham

Shakera Graham: How is it noone can find Bin Laden but they always seem to have videos of him rambling.

Christos Blackheart

Christos Blackheart:bin laden is a pawn

Boye Ab

Boye Ab: @kristopher what are you on about?,looks like somebody needs english classes though

Kristopher Hamilton

Kristopher Hamilton: who me? @Boye (lil) I need english classes why I am not from England!!!

Denise Briggs

Denise Briggs: @Kristopher great statement, hope people wake up!!!!!

Cristina Arra Hamilton

Cristina Arra Hamilton: @ Boye why should he have to english classes perhaps you should take a why am I constantly telling America Lies classes. Or no class? Think about that

Babalola Oluwaseun Tope

Babalola Oluwaseun Tope: Well the most painful part for me is that the stupid spoilt silly guy is from my country, he jst put us on a black list damn.

Boye Ab

Boye Ab: @kristopher and cristina,erm because is hard making sense out of your statements and 2.they are ridden with spelling errors.

Boye Ab

Boye Ab: .and last but not least, grammatical errors.

Cristina Arra Hamilton

Cristina Arra Hamilton: @ the Lil (Boye) Well I sure you get the jist of it… You seem like a english scholar.

Boye Ab

Boye Ab: so kristopher,while you are in the library (instead of the gym )filling your head with various weird,flatearth,u.f.o landed on earth conspiracy,try and brush up on your english as well:)

Boye Ab

Boye Ab: and after reading cristina’s latest comment,i suggest she does the same

Cristina Arra Hamilton

Cristina Arra Hamilton: A LIL Boye,

Thanks for the fanmail. I like you i find you very entertaining make sure you continue to follow my blogs I can tell you like them!!! Thanks for your support.
Cristina Arra Hamilton!!

Kristopher Hamilton

Kristopher Hamilton: @ Boye I see we have something in common we share the same role models. The only difference is I am not envious!!! Get a hobby! Have all your friends sign a petition to Ban Gym class. I presume this may have been your favorite subject. Let me guess you love baseball too.

Denise Briggs

Denise Briggs: @Cristina, very well done….

Keith Gross-Hill

Keith Gross-Hill: I think Al Queda Bullshits alot…I think they claim Any Attack on America…if they thinks it makes them look good. Not to sound wrong…but I honestly think they are so foolish and have that whole need for attention that they clam everything…

One day soon, they’re gonna claim the wrong shit, and involve China.China Will MURK…THEM…so much faster than we have.

Cristina Arra Hamilton

Cristina Arra Hamilton: @ Denise Thank you kindly lol…

Boye Ab

Boye Ab: @kristopher..envious?,of what?.lol,,@cristina,oh yeah i am your biggest fan..can you send me a life size picture or statue?..lmao

Zakaos Ewing

Zakaos Ewing: No Dummy The CIA and Bush and the scull n bones did it…watch loose change part 1 and 2

I want to end with this if you paid close attention to what the stalker, terrorist, psychopath was saying he let’s you know he has been following and he is a fan. He tells on himself every single time!

Kristopher “Florida Boy” Hamilton

There’s going to be some stuff you gon’ see, that’s gon’ make it hard to smile in the future. but through whatever you see, through all the rain and the pain. You gotta keep your sense of humor. You gotta be able to smile through all this bulls**t remember that- Tupac

I believe in God… However I don’t claim a denomination of Christianity. My mom is starting to teach me about the Religions of our world. So I am slowly but surely taking it all in so that I can make a very intelligent choice. I know that I don’t agree with in God we trust. America is confusing it’s people on who God really is.

I don’t claim Christianity because it’s confusing (no leadership that I can trust and know that they have my best interest in mind). My Mom says we should allow the Spirit of God to lead us. I am God and there fore am led by His spirit in me. Hence, the Label Spiritual. Following the Spirit of God, the true leader!!


Nobody can give you freedom. Nobody can give you equality or justice or anything. If you’re a man you can take it-Malcolm X